Loaner Scopes
BPAA has had several good telescopes donated. We now have a 10x Odyssey Dobsonian telescope donated. It has excellent optics and is very easy to use. This is our fourth DOB. We also have an 4x, 6x, and 16x DOB (the xstring scopex)]. These Dobsonians are great scopes for members to use if they are beginners, or just want an easy-to-use telescope.
We also have acquired two Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes (SCT): an 8x Celestron SCT of 1995 vintage with an RA motor drive and sturdy tripod with wedge and an 8x Celestron SCT on an equatorial mount, with no motor drive. These SCTxs join a Meade 8x SCT, to make three SCTxs that BPAA has available. We also have a Meade ETX 90 with motor drive wedge and tripod. These are a little more complex to operate, but members can get hands-on training at Star Parties, or by appointment. Our Solar Telescope makes use of an Orion 90mm Short Tube Refractor Telescope with Coronado SolarMax filters. The Telescope is mounted on a motor driven equatorial mount. Solar images through the Coronado filters are fantastic. Solar Flares and Sunspots are dramatic.
Only a few members are qualified to use the Solar Telescope, but training can be arranged. Finally, the 20×80 Bausch & Lomb Binoculars have been collimated and are ready for use. To check-out items you must be a member, and have been a member for at least two months. You must be trained on the use of the telescope by a member-trainer, who will sign off on the check out form. Items may be checked-out for 30 days. If you are interested in checking out an item, contact Nels Johansen at [email protected], or just show up at the monthly Star Party and try out a telescope.
Contact: [email protected]
Link to complete inventory of loaner telescopes
Some of the Telescopes and Binoculars for checkout by BPAA Members

Meade ETX90

8″ Celestron
with Motor Drive

Orion 90mm
Short Tube

8″ Celestron
with Motor Drive
Telescopes for use by members at the Battle Point Observatory
(not available for checkout)

20 inch | 9.25 inch Celestron CPC |